I just downloaded the stable release of Reactive Extensions for .NET and am looking at the 101 Rx examples. The parallel execution example uses the ForkJoin
method. This method is not in the stable开发者_StackOverflow release (or the unstable for that matter).
How can I do the same sort of arbitrary parallel execution as ForkJoin did?
I downloaded from the Rx site, and it wasn't there. I used NuGet like Anderson Imes
suggests instead and it was there like expected.
I just pulled down the latest version (1.1.10621) from the Rx_Experimental-Main package and it's still there in System.Reactive.Linq
. The name of the static class with the appropriate extension methods is System.Reactive.Linq.Observable
. Verified in Reflector.
From MSDN Forums "New Release: Reactive Extensions v1.0.10425"
Wes Dyer: Looks like I missed a note. Use CombineLatest or Zip instead of ForkJoin.