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Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this questionI've done a bit of iPhone programming (even have 1 published app) but what I'm really interested in doing is learning to create applications for OS X. I'm a 7 year .Net Developer so I have some understanding of how to make desktop applications, though I don't know much about memory management as .Net spoiled me. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a good tutorial for Objective-C/Cocoa but SPECIFICALLY targeting networking protocols as the application I have in mind would need to have networking capabilities (it's a turn based game with included chat). Everywhere I look for tutorials these days leads me to iPhone and Cocoa-Touch tutorials but I need desktop tutorials.
You're probably gonna have to tackle the two subjects separately. For general desktop app development, Aaron Hillegass' book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X is the most often recommended. It also covers memory management, though if you've already gotten an iPhone application published, I presume you've already tackled the subject.
For networking, Apple provides Getting Started with Networking, Internet, and Web, which is a bit broad, but leads to Introduction to Stream Programming Guide for Cocoa, which in turn contains the chapter Setting Up Socket Streams.
Also keep in mind, OS X is a Unix platform, and Objective-C is a superset of C. This means you can eschew Cocoa entirely and use the BSD socket API directly using standard C syntax—meaning you can just Google "bsd socket tutorial" and you're off to the races.
The XCode installation comes with a ton of example code in the /Developer/Examples folder.
There are even more on the ADC site, such as GeekGameBoard.
Apple has a ton of them. Beginner tutorials are not going to have much to do with online games because they're for beginners.