I've tried to simplify this but can't think of a way to make it simpler. There are a lot more of these rows with one for every table I access. Any suggestions?
public static IAzureTable<Sequence> GetSequenceTable(string datastoreValue)
var sequenceTable = new AzureTable<Sequence>(GetStorageAccount(datastoreValue), "Sequences");
return (sequenceTable);
public static IAzureTable<Topic> GetTopicTable(string datastoreValue)
开发者_运维问答 var topicTable = new AzureTable<Topic>(GetStorageAccount(datastoreValue), "Topics");
return (topicTable);
public static IAzureTable<Test> GetTestTable(string datastoreValue)
var testTable = new AzureTable<Test>(GetStorageAccount(datastoreValue), "Tests");
return (testTable);
Here's more for reference. Not really wanting to change this but I could add to it:
public class AzureTable<T> : AzureTableBase<T>, IInitializer where T : TableServiceEntity
public AzureTable()
: this(CloudConfiguration.GetStorageAccount())
public AzureTable(CloudStorageAccount account)
: this(account, null)
public AzureTable(CloudStorageAccount account, string tableName)
: base(account, tableName)
This would remove repitition of the GetTable family of methods:
public static IAzureTable<T> GetTable<T>(string datastoreValue, string tableName) where T : TableServiceEntity
return new AzureTable<T>(GetStorageAccount(datastoreValue), tableName);
You would call it like this:
var table = GetTable<Sequence>("DatastoreName", "Sequences");
you could use optional parameters (C# 4.0) to combine the last 2:
public AzureTable(CloudStorageAccount account, string tableName = null)
: base(account, tableName)
Basically the same as Alex Peck's answer, but with a little more machinery so you only specify the table name and type in a single place (less error prone).
public class TableSpec<T>
public readonly string name;
public TableSpec(string name) { this.name = name; }
public static readonly TableSpec<Sequence> SequenceTableSpec = new TableSpec<Sequence>("Sequences");
public static readonly TableSpec<Topic> TopicTableSpec = new TableSpec<Topic>("Topics");
public static readonly TableSpec<Test> TestTableSpec = new TableSpec<Test>("Tests");
public static IAzureTable<T> GetTable<T>(TableSpec<T> spec, string datastoreValue)
var table = new AzureTable<T>(GetStorageAccount(datastoreValue), spec.name);
return table;
Example usage:
var topicTable = GetTable(TopicTableSpec, datastoreValue)
private static Dictionary<Type, string> _tableNames = new Dictionary<Type, string>
{typeof(Sequence), "Sequences"},
{typeof(Account), "Accounts"},
{typeof(Test), "Tests"}
public static IAzureTable<T> GetTable(string datastorevalue) where T: Microsoft.WindowsAzureStorageClient.TableServiceEntity
return new AzureTable<T>(GetStorageAccount(datastoreValue), _tableNames[typeof(T)]);
Or, you could just do
public static IAzureTable<T> GetTable<T>(string datastoreValue, string tableName = null) where T : TableServiceEntity
var pluralizationService = PluralizationService.CreateService(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
tableName = tableName ?? pluralizationService.Pluralize(typeof(T).Name);
return new AzureTable<T>(GetStorageAccount(datastoreValue), tableName);
This uses the .NET 4.0 pluralization service.