I'd like to implement application which allows user to select few QGraphicsItems
and then rotate them as a gro开发者_开发百科up. I know that I could add all items into one QGraphicsItemGroup
but I need to keep Z-value
of each item. Is it possible?
I also have a second question.
I'm trying to rotate QGraphicsItem
around some point (different from (0,0)
- let's say (200,150)
). After that operation I want to rotate this item once more time but now around (0,0)
. I'm using code below:
QPointF point(200,150); // point is (200,150) at first time and then it is changed to (0,0) - no matter how...
qreal x = temp.rx();
qreal y = temp.ry();
I noticed that after second rotation the item is not rotated around point (0,0)
but around some other point (I don't know which). I also noticed that if I change order of operations it all works great.
What am I doing wrong?
Regarding your first problem, why should the z-values be a problem when putting them into a QGraphicsGroup? On the other hand you could also iterate through the selected items and just apply the transformation.
I guess this snippet will solve your 2nd problem:
QGraphicsView view;
QGraphicsScene scene;
QPointF itemPosToRotate(-35,-35);
QPointF pivotPoint(25,25);
QGraphicsEllipseItem *pivotCircle = scene.addEllipse(-2.5,-2.5,5,5);
QGraphicsRectItem *rect = scene.addRect(-5,-5,10,10);
// draw some coordinate frame lines
// do half-cicle rotation
for(int j=0;j<=5;j++)
for(int i=1;i<=20;i++) {
rect = scene.addRect(-5,-5,10,10);
QPointF itemCenter = rect->pos();
QPointF pivot = pivotCircle->pos() - itemCenter;
// your local rotation
// your rotation around the pivot
rect->setTransform(QTransform().translate(pivot.x(), pivot.y()).rotate(180.0 * (qreal)i/20.0).translate(-pivot.x(),-pivot.y()),true);
EDIT: In case you meant to rotate around the global coordinate frame origin change the rotations to:
rect->setTransform(QTransform().translate(-itemCenter.x(), -itemCenter.y()).rotate(360.0 * (qreal)j/5.0).translate(itemCenter.x(),itemCenter.y()) );
rect->setTransform(QTransform().translate(pivot.x(), pivot.y()).rotate(180.0 * (qreal)i/20.0).translate(-pivot.x(),-pivot.y()),true);