I have used this question here on stackoverflow to create a random string without problem :D ( Show random string)
Some times the same string shows up and that's annoying.
So I want the string to only show one time per session, I have already a Quit Session button that kills the class. So lets say I have numbers from 1-3. Number 2 shows up first, then 1, becuase there's only one number left only 3 can be shown.
My button code for the "next button". Currently it kills the class and starts it again! How can I change it so it just displays a new string?
private void onButtonClick(Button clickedButton) {
Intent startIntent = null;
if (clickedButton.getId() == R.id.quit) {
开发者_运维知识库 startIntent = new Intent(this, mainmenu.class);
else if (clickedButton.getId() == R.id.next) {
startIntent = new Intent(this, play.class);
if (startIntent != null) {
startActivityIfNeeded(startIntent, 0);
private void setupbutton() {
View.OnClickListener onClickHandler = new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Button button = (Button)findViewById(R.id.quit);
button = (Button)findViewById(R.id.next);
The same string is appearing because the random number generator generates random numbers! It could generate the same number multiple times in a row.
There are many possibilities, to name two:
Put all strings in an array and shuffle it. Then take the elements out one by one starting with index one:
List strings = new ArrayList<String>(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.myArray)); Collections.shuffle(list);
Put all strings in an array, select a string with a random index and remove the string:
Random rgenerator = new Random(); ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.myArray)); int index = rgenerator.nextInt(strings.size()); String randomString = strings.get(index); strings.remove(index);
EDIT: Ok, I see...
You have to remember which strings have not been used already. Store the strings in a List and make the list static, so you can save state between the creation of different instances of the Activityplay
private static ArrayList<String> myString;
Then change your constructor a bit:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (myString == null || myString.size() == 0) {
Resources res = getResources();
myString = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(res.getStringArray(R.array.myArray)));
// get a random string
int rand = rgenerator.nextInt(myString.size());
String q = myString.get(rand);
// remove the last used string from the list
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text1);
Make a random permutation of the indexes and then use it to pick the next string in the sequence.