I have a three layer deep chain of deferred ajax calls, and ideally they are going to kick the promise all the way up when the deepest layer finishes (makes me thing of Inception... "we need to go deeper!").
The problem is that I'm sending off many ajax requests (possibly hundreds) at once and need to defer until all of them are done. I can't rely on the last one being done last.
function updateAllNotes() {
return $.Deferred(function(dfd_uan) {
getcount = 0;
getreturn = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= index.data.length - 1; i++) {
$.when(getNote(index.data[i].key)).done(function() {
// getNote is another deferred
// need help here
// when getreturn == getcount, dfd_uan.resolve()
You can use .when()
, and .apply()
with multiple deferred. Extremely useful:
function updateAllNotes() {
var getarray = [],
i, len;
for (i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i += 1) {
$.when.apply($, getarray).done(function() {
// do things that need to wait until ALL gets are done
If you refer to jQuery.When
doc, if one of your ajax call fails, fail
master callback will be called even if all following ajax call haven't finished yet. In this case you are not sure that all your calls are finished.
If you want to wait for all your calls, no matter what the result is, you must use another Deferred like this :
$.when.apply($, $.map(data, function(i) {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
// you can add .done and .fail if you want to keep track of each results individualy
getNote(i.key).always(function() { dfd.resolve(); });
return dfd.promise();
Thanks for the answer brittohalloran. I'm also using Underscore, so I was able to apply your solution very cleanly with map, kinda like this:
$.when.apply($, _.map(data, function(i) {
return getNote(i.key);
})).done(function() {
alert('Be Happy');
Wicked useful.