Artists have_many :posts, Posts have_many :comments. Artists follow other artists that they like through "inspirations". (I want to build a facebook-type news-feed to show recent activity such as:)
- someone has posted a new comment on one of my posts
- artist whom I follow has added a new post
- artist whom I follow received a new comment on a particular post
My idea is to do the 3 independent queries above, and concatenate the final messages by desc date. Here is how I get the 3 queries, using methods in my Artist class:
def comments_on_my_posts
Comment.where(:joins => :post, :conditions => {:posts => {:artist_id => 1}}).order("comments.updated_at DESC")
def posts_from_my_follows
#SELECT * FROM posts inner join inspirations on posts.artist_id = inspirations.author_id where inspirations.artist_id =
def comments_on_posts_on_people_i_follows
# SELECT * FROM comments inner join posts on comments.post_id = inner join inspirations on posts.artist_id = inspirations.author_id where inspirations.artist_id =
I prefer not to use SQL directly if I don't have to. But I don't know how to do multiple joins using ActiveRecord.
For reference, here are my models:
class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'updated_at DESC'
has_many :inspirations
has_many :follows, :through => :inspirations, :source => :inspiration
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :artist
has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'updated_at DESC'
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, :class_name => "Artist", :foreign_key => :author_id
belongs_to :post
class Inspiration < ActiveRecord::Base
#the follower
belongs_to :artist
#the followee
belongs_to :inspiration, :class_name => 'Artist', :foreign_key => :author_id
validate :disallow_self_referential_following
validates_uniqueness_of :artist_id, :scope => :author_id
def disallow_self_referential_following
if artist_id == author_id
errors.add(:author_id, 'cannot follow self')
The Rails 3 query interface for joins is documented here:
With Rails 3 you can chain your ActiveRecord calls together to build the query you want. Be sure to watch your development log file to see the queries that are being generated. (Unless you're on a Rails 3.1 version). You can also add a .to_sql
call to the end of the query to see what it generates.