thanks for reading m开发者_高级运维y question.
I am using a RegExp object in actionscript to simply test the occurrence of one string inside another. Sometimes the Strings may contain RegEx special characters, i.e. "*".
To handle that I have been concatenating \Q to the beginning of the search string, like so...
(String(reportItem[attributeToSearch])).search(new RegExp(("\Q" + searchText), "i"))
That is currently working for larger strings and for the string "*
However, I've come across a problem where the String I am searching is "projectiles, with bursting charge". I am search for ",s" and it gives me back -1 as a result. If I search the same thing without the \Q it works fine, but then the "*
" case breaks.
What gives?!
Thanks in advance!
You need to escape the \
in the \Q
new RegExp(("\\Q" + searchText), "i");
Try this:
var regExp:RegExp;
regExp = new RegExp("\Qs,", "i");
trace(regExp.toString()); // /Qs,/i
regExp = /\Qs,/i;
trace(regExp.toString()); // /\Qs,/i
regExp = new RegExp("\\Qs,", "i");
trace(regExp.toString()); // /\Qs,/i
You could escape any special characters in the user's search before including it in the regex using the code below. Unfortunately flex doesn't have any built-in way to escape a regex string.
private function escapeRegex(s:String):String {
var result:String = s.replace(
new RegExp("([{}\(\)\^$&.\*\?\/\+\|\[\\\\]|\]|\-)","g"), "\\$1");
return result;
(Thanks to )
You might also consider just using a regular search and toLowerCase
if you don't need to take advantage of any regex facilities.
EDIT: As Jacob pointed out, \Q does indeed work and that's a better solution than escaping it manually.