I have functions and xml file in which i store name of this functions and components..eg.
i want make array of functions and then call them..like as
arr:Array = new Array();
call myObject1.myFunction1 function
myObjects and myFunctions are classic component and their functions
when i call setCommandsService.send <s:HTTPService id="setCommandsService" url="commands.xml" result="setCommandsService_resultHandler(event)"/>
in handler is name of this function as String and i dont know how can i add to array as function..
Okay, you need to make sure that those objects and functions are there, but should be possible by using the dynamic nature of actionscript:
var functions:Array = [];
for(var i:uint = 0, len:uint = xml.command.length(); i<len; i++)
if(this[xml.command[i].flexObject] && this[xml.command[i].flexObject][xml.command[i].flexFunction])
This would fill your array with direct references to the function, from here you just need to do functions[i]()
to call them. With that said, I don't say I agree with having XML know about the internal working of your application. It could be possible for this xml to call anything from the outside, which is a definite security issue. If anything, try to abstract it to an 'action' ID that you parse in flex and then flex knows what to do.
var f:Function = Object[arr[0]] as Function;
You may need to use getDefinitionByName
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
var function:Function = getDefinitionByName('namespace.myFunction1') as Function;
This only works on namespace-level functions though not static class methods