I have inproc com-server (dll) implemented within MSVS 2010.
Client is pretty simple:
static void Main()
var t = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(clsid);
dynamic o = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
CallMe does nothing. It's empty and returns S_OK;
Client crashes with exception (vshost32.exe terminated) and than messagebox "would like to send crash detail to Microsoft?". I can't debug the crashed process at this开发者_Python百科 point.
I noticed that this exception occurs only if "\clr" option is applied to com-server (as it uses some .net classes inside but client doesn't call these methods)
I guess I have to check some exta project flags on Com-Server project?
What can I miss here?
Temporary solution
I kicked off .Net code I used to work with images and replaced it with native opensource C++ library. After that I could remove /clr option.