
Updating a TKinter GUI from a multiprocessing calculation

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-16 08:21 出处:网络
I\'m creating a GUI for a python simulator. The GUI provides tools to set up the simulation and run it. While the simulation is running I want to pass progress information to the GUI and have it displ

I'm creating a GUI for a python simulator. The GUI provides tools to set up the simulation and run it. While the simulation is running I want to pass progress information to the GUI and have it displayed on a Label in my simulation_frame. Because the simulations need to be run with multiprocessing, I'm using a Queue to pass the updated information back to the GUI.

The way I have it set up, running the simulations blocks the Tk mainloop since I need to be able to close my Pool at the end of the call. I'm calling update_idletasks() to force the GUI to update the progress information.

This seems to me like an inelegant and potentially risky solution. Moreover, while it works in Ubuntu, it does not seem to work in Windows XP--the window goes blank after a second or so of running. I may be ab开发者_如何学编程le to make it work in Windows by calling update() rather than update_idletasks(), but that seems even worse to me.

Is there a better solution?

The relevant code:

sims = []
queues = []
svars = []
names = []
i = 0
manager = mp.Manager()
for config in self.configs:
    name, file, num = config.get()
    j = 0
    for _ in range(num):
        #progress monitor label
        q = manager.Queue()
        s_var = StringVar()
        label = Label(self.sim_frame, textvariable = s_var, bg = "white")
        s_var.set("%d: Not Started"%i)
        label.grid(row = i, column = 0, sticky = W+N)
        names.append("%s-%d"%(name, j))
        sims.append(("%s-%d"%(name, j),file, data, verbose, q))
        i += 1
        j += 1

# The progress tracking is pretty hacky.

pool = mp.Pool(parallel)
num_sims = len(sims)
#start simulating
tracker = pool.map_async(run_1_sim,sims)
while not tracker.ready():
    for i in range(num_sims):
        q = queues[i]
            gen = q.get(timeout = .001)
            # if the sim has updated, update the label
            #print gen
        except Empty:
# The results of the map, if necessary

    def update(self):
        Redraws everything

def run_1_sim(args):
    Runs one simulation with the specified args, output updates to the supplied
    pipe every generation
    name,config,data, verbose, q = args
    sim = Simulation(config, name=name, data = data)
    generation = 0
    q.put(sim.name + ": 0")
        while sim.run(verbose=verbose, log=True, generations = sim_step):
            generation += sim_step
            q.put(sim.name + ": " + str(generation))
    except Exception as err:
        print err

This may or may not be helpful to you, but it is possible to make tkinter thread-safe by ensuring that its code and methods are executed on the particular thread the root was instantiated on. One project that experimented with the concept can be found over on the Python Cookbook as recipe 577633 (Directory Pruner 2). The code below comes from lines 76 - 253 and is fairly easy to extend with widgets.

Primary Thread-safety Support

# Import several GUI libraries.
import tkinter.ttk
import tkinter.filedialog
import tkinter.messagebox

# Import other needed modules.
import queue
import _thread
import operator


class AffinityLoop:

    "Restricts code execution to thread that instance was created on."

    __slots__ = '__action', '__thread'

    def __init__(self):
        "Initialize AffinityLoop with job queue and thread identity."
        self.__action = queue.Queue()
        self.__thread = _thread.get_ident()

    def run(self, func, *args, **keywords):
        "Run function on creating thread and return result."
        if _thread.get_ident() == self.__thread:
            return func(*args, **keywords)
            job = self.__Job(func, args, keywords)
            return job.result

    def __run_jobs(self):
        "Run all pending jobs currently in the job queue."
        while not self.__action.empty():
            job = self.__action.get_nowait()


    class __Job:

        "Store information to run a job at a later time."

        __slots__ = ('__func', '__args', '__keywords',
                     '__error', '__mutex', '__value')

        def __init__(self, func, args, keywords):
            "Initialize the job's info and ready for execution."
            self.__func = func
            self.__args = args
            self.__keywords = keywords
            self.__error = False
            self.__mutex = _thread.allocate_lock()

        def execute(self):
            "Run the job, store any error, and return to sender."
                self.__value = self.__func(*self.__args, **self.__keywords)
            except Exception as error:
                self.__error = True
                self.__value = error

        def result(self):
            "Return execution result or raise an error."
            if self.__error:
                raise self.__value
            return self.__value


class _ThreadSafe:

    "Create a thread-safe GUI class for safe cross-threaded calls."

    ROOT = tkinter.Tk

    def __init__(self, master=None, *args, **keywords):
        "Initialize a thread-safe wrapper around a GUI base class."
        if master is None:
            if self.BASE is not self.ROOT:
                raise ValueError('Widget must have a master!')
            self.__job = AffinityLoop() # Use Affinity() if it does not break.
            self.__schedule(self.__initialize, *args, **keywords)
            self.master = master
            self.__job = master.__job
            self.__schedule(self.__initialize, master, *args, **keywords)

    def __initialize(self, *args, **keywords):
        "Delegate instance creation to later time if necessary."
        self.__obj = self.BASE(*args, **keywords)


    # Provide a framework for delaying method execution when needed.

    def __schedule(self, *args, **keywords):
        "Schedule execution of a method till later if necessary."
        return self.__job.run(self.__run, *args, **keywords)

    def __run(cls, func, *args, **keywords):
        "Execute the function after converting the arguments."
        args = tuple(cls.unwrap(i) for i in args)
        keywords = dict((k, cls.unwrap(v)) for k, v in keywords.items())
        return func(*args, **keywords)

    def unwrap(obj):
        "Unpack inner objects wrapped by _ThreadSafe instances."
        return obj.__obj if isinstance(obj, _ThreadSafe) else obj


    # Allow access to and manipulation of wrapped instance's settings.

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        "Get a configuration option from the underlying object."
        return self.__schedule(operator.getitem, self, key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        "Set a configuration option on the underlying object."
        return self.__schedule(operator.setitem, self, key, value)


    # Create attribute proxies for methods and allow their execution.

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        "Create a requested attribute and return cached result."
        attr = self.__Attr(self.__callback, (name,))
        setattr(self, name, attr)
        return attr

    def __callback(self, path, *args, **keywords):
        "Schedule execution of named method from attribute proxy."
        return self.__schedule(self.__method, path, *args, **keywords)

    def __method(self, path, *args, **keywords):
        "Extract a method and run it with the provided arguments."
        method = self.__obj
        for name in path:
            method = getattr(method, name)
        return method(*args, **keywords)


    class __Attr:

        "Save an attribute's name and wait for execution."

        __slots__ = '__callback', '__path'

        def __init__(self, callback, path):
            "Initialize proxy with callback and method path."
            self.__callback = callback
            self.__path = path

        def __call__(self, *args, **keywords):
            "Run a known method with the given arguments."
            return self.__callback(self.__path, *args, **keywords)

        def __getattr__(self, name):
            "Generate a proxy object for a sub-attribute."
            if name in {'__func__', '__name__'}:
                # Hack for the "tkinter.__init__.Misc._register" method.
                raise AttributeError('This is not a real method!')
            return self.__class__(self.__callback, self.__path + (name,))


# Provide thread-safe classes to be used from tkinter.

class Tk(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.Tk
class Frame(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.ttk.Frame
class Button(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.ttk.Button
class Entry(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.ttk.Entry
class Progressbar(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.ttk.Progressbar
class Treeview(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.ttk.Treeview
class Scrollbar(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.ttk.Scrollbar
class Sizegrip(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.ttk.Sizegrip
class Menu(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.Menu
class Directory(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.filedialog.Directory
class Message(_ThreadSafe): BASE = tkinter.messagebox.Message

If you read the rest of the application, you will find that it is built with the widgets defined as _ThreadSafe variants that you are used to seeing in other tkinter applications. As method calls come in from various threads, they are automatically held until it becomes possible to execute those calls on the creating thread. Note how the mainloop is replaced by way of lines 291 - 298 and 326 - 336.

Notice NoDefaltRoot & main_loop Calls

def main(cls):
    "Create an application containing a single TrimDirView widget."
    root = cls.create_application_root()
    cls.attach_window_icon(root, ICON)
    view = cls.setup_class_instance(root)

main_loop Allows Threads To Execute

def main_loop(root):
    "Process all GUI events according to tkinter's settings."
    target = time.clock()
    while True:
        except tkinter.TclError:
        target += tkinter._tkinter.getbusywaitinterval() / 1000
        time.sleep(max(target - time.clock(), 0))



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