For simplicity's sake, I have two tables: projects and tasks. A project can have many tasks, and a task belongs to a project. I've set up the database, created the associations and used cake bake to generate the models, controllers and views and all is perfect. When I look at a the index view for projects, I see a table listing all the projects as expected. What I want to do is really simple: I want a column in that table that shows a count of all the tasks assigned to that project.
The SQL query for this is trivial (returning a list of project names and a count of the tasks):
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks WHERE project_id开发者_如何学编程 = as taskCount
FROM projects
So how do I achieve this in CakePHP? The index method in the projects controller looks like this at the moment:
function index() {
$this->Project->recursive = 0;
$this->set('projects', $this->paginate());
You can use the virtualFields or counterCache, but it is another way.