I have two domain classes Users and Projects like following
String firstName
String lastName
String emailAddress
static hasMany = [projects:Projects]
class Projects {
String projectName
String description
Users projectLead
Date completionDate
static belongsTo = Users
Here completionDate == null means the project has not yet been completed.
Now I want to send an email reminder to each user about their incomplete projects, How can write a query to retrieve incomplete projects per user?
I was thinking on following lines but am still not able to go ahead. In order to send an email I will need users emailid, all incomplete projects and names o开发者_如何学编程f them
def users = Users.list()
for(user in users){
Is it possible to use createCriteria in such a case?
I think this should work:
def usersAndIncompleteProjects = Users.withCriteria {
projects {
isNull( completionDate )
That should just return you the Users with incomplete projects, and the projects
property for each User
will only contain the incomplete projects. If you want the Users to have all of their projects loaded, I believe you need to use an alias
Given the User class:
package criteriatest
class User {
String name
static hasMany = [ projects: Project ]
And the Project class:
package criteriatest
class Project {
String name
Date completionDate
static belongsTo = User
static constraints = {
completionDate( nullable:true )
This integration test passes (hopefully the asserts explain it)
package criteriatest
import grails.test.*
class UserTests extends GroovyTestCase {
protected void setUp() {
User.withSession { session ->
def tim = new User( name:'tim' )
def dave = new User( name:'dave' )
[ tim, dave ]*.save()
def project1 = new Project( name:'project 1', completionDate:null )
def project2 = new Project( name:'project 2', completionDate:new Date() )
tim.addToProjects project1
tim.addToProjects project2
[ project1, project2 ]*.save()
protected void tearDown() {
void testQuery() {
def usersAndIncompleteProjects = User.withCriteria {
projects {
isNull 'completionDate'
order 'name', 'asc'
// We get two users back (users with no projects get returned as well)
assert usersAndIncompleteProjects.size() == 2
// First user (dave) has no projects
assert usersAndIncompleteProjects[0].projects.size() == 0
// Second user (tim) has one project (with a null completionDate)
assert usersAndIncompleteProjects[1].projects.size() == 1
// Check it's the right project
assert usersAndIncompleteProjects[1].projects*.name == [ 'project 1' ]
(this is the sql the criteria query executes in this instance):
this_.id as id1_1_,
this_.version as version1_1_,
this_.name as name1_1_,
projects3_.user_projects_id as user1_3_,
projects_a1_.id as project2_3_,
projects_a1_.id as id0_0_,
projects_a1_.version as version0_0_,
projects_a1_.completion_date as completion3_0_0_,
projects_a1_.name as name0_0_
user this_
left outer join
user_project projects3_
on this_.id=projects3_.user_projects_id
left outer join
project projects_a1_
on projects3_.project_id=projects_a1_.id
projects_a1_.completion_date is null
order by
this_.name asc
I'm not sure this problem requires a left join, unless you want to include Projects with a null user. Why not just select all projects with null completion dates and join against user?
In HQL, it would look something like this:
Projects.executeQuery('from Projects p join p.projectLead u where p.completionDate is null')
You can do similar in a criteria query:
Projects.withCriteria {