I have to check the HOST
of the http request, if it's equal to example.com
or www.example.com
, I have to do a 301 redirect.
How can I do this using Node.js and Express Web Framework?
Both will return you host name. e.g localhost:3000
Express.js guide - request.hostname
Express.js guide - request.redirect
Use that in your request handlers.
Do a string search, using a regular expression, as so:
if ( req.headers.host.search(/^www/) !== -1 ) {
res.redirect(301, "http://example.com/");
The search method accepts a regular expression as the first argument, denoted by surrounding slashes. The first character, ^, in the expression means to explicitly look at the beginning of the string. The rest of the expression is looking for three explicit w's. If the string begins with "www", then the search method will return the index of match, if any (0), or -1, if it wasn't found.
Today for me it's req.host, req.hostname and req.headers.host - I'm going with req.host though. update vscode tells me req.host is deprecated and use req.hostname instead