#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "NotepadViewController.h"
#import "NotesTableViewController.h"
#import "NoteInformationTransferProtocol.h"
@interface NotesViewController : UIViewController <NoteInformationTransferProtocol>
UITextField *_noteTitleTextField;
UIButton *_addButton;
UITextField *_descr开发者_Go百科iption;
UIView *_notesTableView;
NotepadViewController * _notepadVC;
NotesTableViewController *_noteTableVC;
I am getting the error "Expected specifier-qualifier-list before NotepadViewController" on "NotepadViewController * _notepadVC;" I already imported that class' header so it should detect it as a type, right?
That error normally occurs when you haven't added a framework or file to your target, is "NotepadViewController.h" in the target you are building?
In xCode 4 you can check this by expanding the "Compile Sources" section in Build Phases. In xCode 3 you can use "Get info" to see what targets that file is included (if my memory serves me true)