select mydate as [date],enter as [Enters], left as [lefts], CAST ( CAST ( DATEDIFF (hour, enter, left) as varchar)+':'+
CAST ( datediff (MINUTE,enter,left)%60 as varchar)
as varchar)as [time realizated] from timer where user='xxxx'
this was my query it worked in sql server but i must to change the database to access now it doesn't work with this i got a history complete of a person
for example
date开发者_运维知识库 enters lefts time realizated
29/06/2011 8:00 9:30 1:30
select mydate as [date],enter as [Enters], left as [lefts],
int((left-enter)*24) & ":" & int((left-enter)*1440) mod 60 as [time realizated]
from timer where user='xxxx'
please check about &(concatenate), and int() because I don't remember if this are the write. but I used a lot of this date-matematic on access far time ago
so here int() means floor()
you will need also to pad with ceros
The DateDiff syntax is different in Access. I think:
Should get you the time in minutes.
If you want it as a Time you could do: