Sorry for the bad title, I've no idea what to call this question.
I have a simple class which basically just wraps an array and provides some custom access metods for it. Essentially all it stores is an array of doublets, each one holding a property type and it's uid.
My idea is that开发者_运维知识库 because this is such a simple usage, I can get away with just building this class and holding it in memory rather than generating a model and suffering the overhead of ActiveRecord (that may not be much, I'm not sure).
I'm worried I'm overthinking and I should just put it in the DB and forget about it?
class PropertyType
extend Enumerable
['Site', 'Site'],
['New Home', 'NewHome'],
['Terraced House', 'Terraced'],
['Detached House', 'Detached'],
['Bungalow', 'Bungalow'],
['Townhouse', 'Townhouse'],
['End of Terrace House', 'EoTHouse'],
['Semi-Detached House', 'Semi-D'],
['New Development', 'NewDev'],
['Apartment', 'Apartment'],
['Duplex', 'Duplex'],
['House For Sale', 'House']
def self.each
TYPES.each{|type| yield(type[0], type[1]) }
def self.convert_to_name(uid_to_lookup)
return if uid_to_lookup.blank?
TYPES.each{|type| return type[0] if type[1] == uid_to_lookup }
def self.convert_to_uid(name_to_lookup)
return if name_to_lookup.blank?
TYPES.each{|type| return type[1] if type[0] == name_to_lookup }
def self.each_uid
TYPES.each{|type| yield(type[1]) }
def self.each_name
TYPES.each{|type| yield(type[0]) }
def self.uids
TYPES.collect{|type| type[1]}
def self.names
TYPES.collect{|type| type[0]}
I think your class is fine, but personally I'd still put it in the database, just so I have an easy option for building an administrative interface for property types and letting someone else manage modifications to them over time.