I think this question might have been asked before, but I honestly don't know how to search for it.
Basically, when I do a render :action => 'edit' in the update action in controller, somehow the view outputs the form as if it's a :action => 'new' page.
form_for gave the wrong action and f.submit gave wrong button text (it gave create instead of update)
relevant parts of controller
def edit
@user = User.find_by_email(current_user.email)
def update
if User.find_by_email(@user.email).valid_password?(old_password)
logger.info 'Valid old password'
flash[:notice]='Invalid current password'
render :action=>'edit'
As discussed in the comments, @bassneck is right - while you are rendering the edit view, the form_for
call looks at whether the object is persisted or not (@user.persisted?
). This has the benefit in a lot of cases of being able to use one piece of form code for both new and edit views (I'll generally have a partial _form.html.erb
that gets used for both situations).
In your case though, it isn't leading to the desired behaviour - so wwhat you need to do is make sure you're using the relevant user object. If you want to update a user, @user
should be the object you want to update.