Emacs has a feature that allows one to jump to matching HTML tags. You position your cursor on an opening <div>
, say, then press C-c <right arrow>
, and the cursor jumps to the corresponding closing </div>
Is there any equivalent functionality specifically for Django template tags? For example, I want to position the cursor on an opening {% if %}
tag, and then run an emacs command that moves the cursor to the corresponding {% endif %}
Is there any equivalent functionality for defining ar开发者_StackOverflowbitrary open/close syntax, so that arbitrary file formats can be accommodated?
I notice that since I posted this question, web-mode has been developed and become popular. It appears that that mode attempts to provide this feature, but I have not found the emacs command that does so (perhaps because I don't know how to select the correct "family" for the django template language?).
Looks unmaintained, but have you tried the options here?