I have a JSON feed connected to my app. One of the items is lat & long separated by a comma. For example: "32.0235, 1.345".
I'm trying to split this u开发者_高级运维p into two separate values by splitting at the comma.
Any advice? Thanks!!
NSArray *strings = [coords componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
NSString* myString = @"32.0235, 1.345".
NSArray* myArray = [myString componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
NSString* firstString = [myArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSString* secondString = [myArray objectAtIndex:1];
See in documentation
You want:
- (NSArray *)componentsSeparatedByString:(NSString *)separator
using @"," as separator.
This is work for me as I was not looking to define any Array.
NSString* firstString = [[myString componentsSeparatedByString:@","] objectAtIndex:0];
Try [yourCommaSeparatedString componentsSeparatedByString:@", "]
that will give a NSArray with strings you can then call floatValue on ;)