I have this situation
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
ArrayList<String> city;
// in city array i have "United States-Alabama-Anniston"
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Candidate.class);
crit.createAlias("candidateInfo", "ci");
crit.add(Restrictions.in("ci.city", city));
List rsList = crit.list();
Now this above thing work fine if i have the value "United States-Alabama-Anniston" in my database but the problem is in my database its only "Anniston"
do any one have any idea how to get the match if there's only "Anniston" in my database and i want to check it with "United States-Alabama-Anniston" which is in the ArrayList.
If I understand correctly from comment, you have values in the string that may consist of country,state and the city separated by '-'. In this case and if format with '-' is guaranteed, your best and most efficient choice would be to just walk over array and copy part after '-' to separate array that you can use in in