I'm reading Conor McBride and Ross Paterson's "Functional Pearl / Idioms: applicative programming with effects:" (The new version, with "idioms" in the title). I'm having a little difficulty with Exercise 4, which is explained below. Any hints would be much appreciated (especially: should I start writing fmap
and join
or return
and >>=
Problem Statement
You want to create an instance Monad []
return x = repeat x
and ap = zapp
Standard li开发者_运维知识库brary functions
As on p. 2 of the paper, ap
applies a monadic function-value to a monadic value.
ap :: Monad m => m (s -> t) -> m s -> m t
ap mf ms = do
f <- mf
s <- ms
return (f s)
I expanded this in canonical notation to,
ap mf ms = mf >>= (\f -> (ms >>= \s -> return (f s)))
The list-specific function zapp
("zippy application") applies a function from one list to a corresponding value in another, namely,
zapp (f:fs) (s:ss) = f s : zapp fs ss
My difficulties
Note that in the expanded form, mf :: m (a -> b)
is a list of functions [(a -> b)]
in our case. So, in the first application of >>=
, we have
(f:fs) >>= mu
where mu = (\f -> (ms >>= \s -> return (f s)))
. Now, we can call fs >>= mu
as a subroutine, but this doesn't know to remove the first element of ms
. (recall that we want the resulting list to be [f1 s1, f2 s2, ...]. I tried to hack something but... as predicted, it didn't work... any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Edit 1
I think I got it to work; first I rewrote ap
with fmap
and join
as user "comonad" suggested .
My leap of faith was assuming that fmap = map
. If anyone can explain how to get there, I'd appreciate it very much. After this, it's clear that join
works on the list of lists user "comonad" suggested, and should be the diagonal, \x -> zipWith ((!!) . unL) x [0..]
. My complete code is this:
newtype L a = L [a] deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
unL (L lst) = lst
liftL :: ([a] -> [b]) -> L a -> L b
liftL f = L . f . unL
joinL :: L (L a) -> L a
joinL = liftL $ \x -> zipWith ((!!) . unL) x [0..]
instance Functor L where
fmap f = liftL (map f)
instance Monad L where
return x = L $ repeat x
m >>= g = joinL (fmap g m)
hopefully that's right (seems to be the "solution" on p. 18 of the paper) ... thanks for the help, everyone!
Hm. I can't help but think this exercise is a little bit unfair as presented.
Exercise 4 (the colist Monad)
are not thereturn
of the usualMonad []
instance, they are none the less thereturn
of an alternative monad, more suited to the coinductive interpretation of[]
. What is thejoin :: [[x]] → [x]
of this monad?Comment on the relative efficiency of this monad’s
and ourzapp
First, I'm fairly certain that the monad instance in question is not valid for []
in general. When they say "the coinductive interpretation", I suspect this refers to infinite lists. The instance is actually valid for finite lists in certain cases, but not for arbitrary lists in general.
So that's your first, very general, hint--why would a monad instance only be valid for certain lists, particularly infinite ones?
Here's your second hint: fmap
and return
are trivial given other definitions earlier in the paper. You already have return
; fmap
is only slightly less obvious.
Furthermore, (>>=)
has an easy implementation in terms of the other functions, as with any Monad
, which leaves join
as the crux of the matter. In most cases (>>=)
is more natural for programming with, but join
is more conceptually fundamental and in this case, I think, more straightforward to analyze. So I recommend working on that, and forgetting about (>>=)
for now. Once you have an implementation, you can go back and reconstruct (>>=)
and check the monad laws to make sure it all works properly.
Finally, suppose for a moment that you have fmap
available, but nothing else. Given values with type [a -> b]
and [a]
, you can combine them to get something of type [[b]]
. The type of join
here is [[a]] -> [a]
. How might you write join
such that you get the same result here that you would from using zapp
on the original values? Note that the question about relative efficiency is, as well as a question, a clue about the implementation.
I just thought I should clarify that the version with exercises and "Idioms" in the title is a rather earlier draft of the paper which eventually appeared in JFP. At that time, I mistakenly thought that colists (by which I mean possibly infinite, possibly finite lists) were a monad in a way which corresponds to zapp: there is a plausible candidate for the join (alluded to in other answers) but Jeremy Gibbons was kind enough to point out to us that it does not satisfy the monad laws. The counterexamples involve "ragged" lists of lists with varying finite lengths. Correspondingly, in the JFP article, we stood corrected. (We were rather happy about it, because we love to find applicative functors whose (<*>) is not the ap of a Monad.)
The necessarily infinite lists (i.e. streams), by ruling out the ragged cases, do indeed form a monad whose ap behaves like zapp. For a clue, note that Stream x is isomorphic to Nat -> x.
My apologies for the confusion. It's sometimes dangerous leaving old, unfinished drafts (replete with errors) lying (ha ha) around on the web.
The minimal complete definition of a Monad is either fmap
or return
. You can implement the one with the other:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a->m b) -> m b
(>>=) ma amb = join $ fmap amb ma
fmap :: Monad m => (a->b) -> m a -> m b
fmap f ma = ma >>= (return . f)
join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join mma = mma >>= id
Now, the implementation of ap
can be rewritten in terms of join
and fmap
ap :: Monad m => m (a->b) -> m a -> m b
ap mf ma = do
f <- mf
a <- ma
return (f a)
ap mf ma = do
f <- mf
fmap f ma
ap mf ma = join $ fmap (flip fmap ma) mf
In the exercise, the semantics of fmap
and return
and ap
are given.
The rest will be obvious, as soon as you examine one example:
ap [f1,f2,f3...] [1,2,3...] = join $ fmap (flip fmap [1,2,3...]) [f1,f2,f3...]
= join $ [ [(f1 1), f1 2 , f1 3 ...]
, [ f2 1 ,(f2 2), f2 3 ...]
, [ f3 1 , f3 2 ,(f3 3)...]
= [(f1 1)
, (f2 2)
, (f3 3)