I need to store time inverval in PosgreSQL. Data will be put from Ruby on Rails.
Say, PizzaHut accepts orders from 9:00 to 18:00.
I've created following migration:
class AddOrderTimeAndDeliveryTimeToMerchants < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :merchants, :order_time, :interval
I've read the 开发者_运维技巧documentation, and have following code now:
Merchant.create( :delivery_time => "9:00 18:00" )
When i execute it, i get following error message:
PGError: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type interval: "9:00 18:00"
How to do it correctly ?
I don't think an interval is really what you want for that. An interval represents a timespan without any specific end points; for example, you add an interval to an existing time to get another time. You would be better off with two distinct times:
add_column :merchants, :order_from, :time, :null => false
add_column :merchants, :order_to, :time, :null => false
Then, if for some reason you need to know how many hours they're open for delivery, you can construct an interval by subtracting :order_from
from :order_to
If you really must use an interval, then you'll need to construct a value something like this:
:delivery_time => "interval '11 hour'"
Note how this illustrates that an interval is not a specific time range from A to B, it is just a time range of some certain length (with no specified end points).
It's likely that you want a time without timezone here, since if Dominoes in NY opens at 9:00 local time, and Dominoes in California also opens at 9:00 local time, then a time with a timezone would not work properly.
What you likely want is one of two things. either two times a start and an end time, or a start time and an interval. I would suggest two times, but the choice is yours. Note that you can an interval from two times by subtracting one from the other.
select '09:00:00'::time - '05:00:00'::time;