Say I have a WordPress post, and certain words are wrapped in span
For example:
<p>开发者_开发问答;John went to the <span>bakery</span> today,
and after picking up his favourite muffin
he made his way across to the <span>park</span>
and spent a couple hours on the <span>swings</span>
with his friends.</p>
Is then then a way using PHP to dynamically spit them (the words in the span tags) out as an ordered list in my template file?
Like so:
<h3>What John Did Today</h3>
If someone could point be in the right direction of how to do something like this, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
$str = '<p>John went to the <span>bakery</span> today, and after picking up his favourite muffin he made his way across to the <span>park</span> and spent a couple hours on the <span>swings</span> with his friends.</p>';
$d = new DomDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($d);
echo "<h3>What John Did Today</h3>\n";
echo "<ol>\n";
foreach ($xpath->query('//span') as $span)
echo "<li>".$span->nodeValue."</li>\n";
echo "</ol>\n";
A simple possibility is using regular expressions, take a look at preg_match function
Parse the DOM :
I'm not a regex whiz but this SHOULD do the job for replacing <span>
tags with <li>
$str = preg_replace("/<span>([^[]*)<\/span>/i", "<li>$1</li>", $str);
..i know this doesn't directly answer your question but it should help you with this at some point lol
EDIT: full actually working regex solution for getting all your span tags into an array and converting to list items at the same time:
// input string:
$str = '<span>Walk</span> blah <span>Drive</span> blah blee blah <span>Eat</span>';
// get array of span matches
preg_match_all("/(<span>)(.*?)(<\/span>)/i", $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// build array using the exact matches
foreach($matches as $val){
$spanArray[] = preg_replace("/<span>([^[]*)<\/span>/i", "<li>$1</li>", $val[0]);
if you then print_r($spanArray);
you should get something that looks like this:
[0] => <li>Walk</li>
[1] => <li>Drive</li>
[2] => <li>Eat</li>