I am creating a new window popup window using
PopupWindows.PaymentsSummary paymentsSummary = new PopupWindows.PaymentsSummary
paymentsSummary.ParentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this);
on my load function in the Payment summary window I have
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
basepage.payments.BindPaymentSummaryToDataGrid(uiActiveItems, basepage.user.terminal.TerminalId, true);
basepage.payments.BindPaymentSummaryToDataGrid(uiInActiveItems, basepage.user.terminal.TerminalId, false);
The function is
public void BindPaymentSummaryToDataGrid(DataGrid dgrid, int terminalId, bool isActivePayment)
BLPinNumber pins = new BLPinNumber();
string pinNumber = String.Empty;
long pinId = pins.getPinId(terminalId, ref pinNumber);
using (var dbEntities = new DatabaseAccess.Schema.Entities())
dgrid.DataContext = dbEntities.getPaymentRecordsByPinId((int)pinId, isActivePayment);
The above code calls a Stored Proc in SQL Server and returns an object,
开发者_Python百科However when the app runs I get the error when clicking to show the popup on the following line paymentsSummary.ShowDialog();
The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.
I have worked that down to the following code in the XAML for the datagrid
DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding}" Grid.Column="{Binding}"
If i remove this code it works but the data doesnt load obvioulsy.
So what I believe I need to do is bind the datagrid onShowDialog method.
How do i create this ?
Or is there a better way of doing this using the Entity framework, im used to ASP.NET where working with DATAGRIDS seem easier, if ablight less powerful.
Many thanks
Your problem is lazy loading!, you got 2 options:
- select the data with eager loading (change the getPaymentRecordsByPinId).
- do not dispose the dbEntities while popup is open.