I tried to create a container for posible metadata that can be attached to my objects. I can guarantee that there will be at most one object af each kind attached to my class but there is no limit for object of different type to attach. for example I can't attach two instances of wordInfo
to an object but instances of wordInfo
and phraseInfo
classes can be attached to an object at a same time. here is what I did so far to get it done.
class object
std::map <std::type_info, object*> mMetaData;
inline void attachMetaData(object* pData)
mMetaData[typeid(*pData)] = pData;
template <class T> inline std::enableif<std::is_base_of<object,T>::value, T*>::type getMetaData()
if (mMetaData.find(typeid(T)) ==开发者_JS百科 mMetaData.end())
return NULL;
return mMetaData[typeid(T)];
template <class T> inline std::enableif<std::is_base_of<object,T>::value, void>::type detachMetaData()
the code above had a compile error : less operator was not defined for std::type_info
so I defined some less class specifically for std::type_info
and pass it as the third template parameter of map class like this:
struct typeinfoless
bool operator()(std::type_info& left, std::type_info& right)
return left.hash() < right.hash();
std::map <std::type_info, object*, typeinfoless> mMetaData;
but then I encountered another error which I don't know how to resolve, std::type_info
has private constructor and even private copy constructor, so I can't even derive some class from it. any idea how can I fix this problem? or any other possible way to create my object
Apologies for answering an ancient question but this was the first result on google when I tried to figure it out. Instead of creating a wrapper class you should use the std::type_index
wrapper class as the key into your map.
Create a wrapper class for std::type_info, similar to the following:
class TypeWrapper
private const std::type_info &mInfo;
public TypeWrapper(const std::type_info &info) : mInfo(info)
// Functions required by a key into a std::map.
Use TypeWrapper
as your key into your map.