I get confused by the Java API for the Date class. Everything seems to be deprecated and links to the Calendar class. So I started using the Calendar objects to do what I would have liked to do with a Date, but intuitively it kind of bothers me to use a Calendar object when all I really want to do is create and compare two dates.
Is there a simple way to do that? For now I do
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(year, month, 开发者_如何学Pythonday, hour, minute, second);
Date date = cal.getTime(); // get back a Date object
You can use SimpleDateFormat
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date d = sdf.parse("21/12/2012");
But I don't know whether it should be considered more right than to use Calendar ...
The excellent joda-time library is almost always a better choice than Java's Date or Calendar classes. Here's a few examples:
DateTime aDate = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
DateTime anotherDate = new DateTime(anotherYear, anotherMonth, anotherDay, ...);
if (aDate.isAfter(anotherDate)) {...}
DateTime yearFromADate = aDate.plusYears(1);
You can try joda-time.