The paragraph object in the Word has a property called Range. Within this Range object has a property called Cells.
For paragraph that are not in a table, this property Paragraph.Range.Cells is set to "". This can be seen in the Watches window in debug mode.
For paragraph that are in a table, the property Paragraph.Range.Cells has other properties in it, for example it has a property called Count.
I am using this property of Paragraph.Range.Cells to determine if the paragraph is in a table or not. However, I cant seem to figure out how to test this.
For example, I cannot simply test like this...
If paragraph.Range.Cells <> Null Then.... or even If IsNull(paragraph.Range.Cells) Then ...
开发者_开发技巧It throws a Run-time error '5907' There is no table at this location
So, how would I test for this? thanks
You can use the Information
If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
'What ever you'd like to do
End If
Hence you don't need any manual error catching mechanisms.
You can't call the Cells method unless the paragraph is in a table. You need to use a different method to determine whether the range is in a table.
You can use either...
paragraph.Range.Tables.Count > 0
Note that the second one looks more obvious, but is actually slower (only a problem if you're doing this inside a loop).
*Edited (if Err=) changed to (If Err<>)
You can simply allow the error to happen and catch it using OnError
Dim ParagraphIsTable As Object
OnError Resume Next 'allows errors to happen but execute next instruction
ParagraphIsTable = paragraph.Range.Cells
If Err <> 5907 Then '(this is to check for a specific error that might have happened)
'No Error occured, this means that ParagraphIsTable variable must contain a value
' Do the rest of your code here
' an Error occured, this means that this is not a table
' do whatever
End If
OnError Goto 0 ' This cancels the effect of OnError Resume Next
' Which means if new errors happen, you will be prompt about them