I don't know what to do. I tried several sample codes from different sources, I tried them in different browsers (from Chrome 9 to FF 4), and still nothing seems to be working with the "postMessage" function. JS console is giving me nothing, not a single error, still nothing is happening : the frames don't want to communicate. At all. And this isn't even cross-domain : both frames are from my domain.
Here is a sample code from the last try : Parent frame :
<iframe src="IFRAME_URL"></iframe>
window.addEventListener( "message",
function (e) {
if(e.origin !== 'DOMAIN'){ return; }
Child frame :
top.postMessage('hello', 'DOMAIN');
Help much appreciated, thanks a l开发者_运维技巧ot
The second parameter of your postMessage
must be an url like http://localhost
you can also send the message to any window use top.postMessage('hello', "*");
Html 1:
<iframe src="IFRAME_URL"></iframe>
window.addEventListener( "message",
function (e) {
html 2:
top.postMessage('hello', '*');
If you are not dealing with different origins, entering location.origin
as the targetOrigin will work.
top.postMessage('hello', location.origin);
I'm not sure of the security concerns, but typically, I just grab the parent window location like this:
var url = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer: document.location;
top.postMessage('message', url);