I put a breakpoint to the last line of code. Breakpoint is disabled. Why? It looks like the code is excluded by some condition. The constructor of TraceSource works, and I can verify the object is OK and all listeners are OK. It really looks bizarre. I stop on int a=1; and then debugger skips TraceInformation by ignoring it. The configuration is DEBUG x86.
public TraceSource _fixTraceSource;
_fixTraceSource = new TraceSource(_configSection.TraceSourceName);
int a = 1; // du开发者_运维百科mmy line to set breakpoint
_fixTraceSource.TraceInformation("FIX -> toAdmin Message: {0}", message.ToString());
is marked:
So you need the TRACE
symbol defined at compile time for it to be included. This is usually by checking the "Define TRACE constant" box in the project properties page (it is enabled by default for both Debug and Release profiles, so somebody has unchecked it at some point).