I'm writing a soft using pyGTK. I'd like to know how to force pyGTK to use my own *.mo files for GTK.
In fact my problem is, I code under Linux but I want to distribute it under Windows. To get a Windows executable, I use cx_Freeze, I can include my own gettext for my texts and it's work well, but I want to include pyGTK gettext too, because if I don't to that text on button are still in English even the Windows is in different language. And since I don't want to support all GTK languages, I don't want to includes all languages.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the bad english...
EDiT: Since a code snippet is better than anything:
#Translation stuff
local_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
langs = []
lc, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
if (lc):
langs = [lc]
language = os.environ.get('LANGUAGE', None)
if (language):
langs += language.split开发者_C百科(":")
langs += ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
gettext.bindtextdomain(APP_NAME, LOCALE_DIR)
lang = gettext.translation(APP_NAME, LOCALE_DIR, languages=langs, fallback = True)
_ = lang.gettex
You're initializing Python's gettext correctly, but not libintl which is used by GTK+ and friends. You could take a look at my elib.intl module to see how that's done.