Imagine a database structure where you have a Class
and Student
, and Student has one class, and vice-versa, a class has many students.
How would one go in Nhibernate to create a query, (Preferably QueryOver or Criteria API), for the following.
Select ANY class which contains BOTH StudentA and StudentB.
If it was a disjunction (OR), I could do it by specifying
List<Student> studentRestrictionList = new List<Student>();
Student studentAlias = null;
var q = session.QueryOver<Class>();
q.Left.JoinAlias(item => item.Students, () => studentsAlias);
q.WhereRestrictionOn(() => studentsAlias.ID)IsInG(studentRestrictionList);
The problem starts when I need to do a conjunction (AND).
Any ideas?
To get conjunction, I would create a separate conjunction object and attach it to the criteria(again, untested but should get you on the right track):
var q = DetachedCriteria.For<Class>()
.CreateCriteria("this.Students", "student");
var con = new Conjunction();
foreach(var s in studentList)
con.Add(Restrictions.Eq("student.Id", s.Id));