I have a small Scala/Neo4j application that links people and topics through "skilledAt" and "interestedIn" relations. It has a REST/Json Api (using Scalatra) and I ran into a typical type-erasure problem when I wanted to add an "asJson" method to List[Person] and List[Topic]. I would like to implement different Json serialization behaviour for the 开发者_如何学JAVAdifferent content types but of course the types get erased. The best I've been able to come up with so far is the following runtime trick:
implicit def topicsOrPeopleAsJson[T](list: List[T]) = new {
def asJson: String = {
list match {
case head :: tail if (head.isInstanceOf[Topic]) => topicsToJson(list.asInstanceOf[List[Topic]])
case head :: tail if (head.isInstanceOf[Person]) => peopleToJson(list.asInstanceOf[List[Person]])
case _ => "[]"
private def peopleToJson(people: List[Person]) = {
private def topicsToJson(topics: List[Topic]) = {
This works just fine but I was wondering whether there was a better solution, maybe something including type classes, a topic I'm not very familiar with (yet).
Use another level of implicit (this is typeclasses indeed):
trait ListToJsonConverter[T] {
def asJson(l: List[T]) : String
implicit object PeopleToJsonConverter extends ListToJsonConverter[Person] {...}
implicit object TopicToJsonConverter extends ListToJsonConverter[Topic] {...}
implicit object DefaultJsonConverter extends ListToJsonConverter[Any] {
def asJson(l: List[Any]) = "[]"
implicit def topicsOrPeopleAsJson[T](list: List[T])(implicit ev : ListToJsonConverter[T]) = new {
def asJson = ev.asJson(list)
This may not be exactly what you asked for however. The converter will be chosen at compile time. So if you call with a list of person which the compiler knows only as a List[Any], it will not work as expected.
Why not do it the OO way?
trait JSONable {
def toJSON:String
class Person
class Topics
implicit def persontoJSONable(p:Person) = new PersonSerializer(p)
implicit def topicToJSONable(t:Topic) = new PersonSerializer(t)
class PersonSerializer(p:Person) extends JSONable {
override def toJSON = {
class TopicSerializer(t:Topic) extends JSONable {
override def toJSON = {
def ListAsJSON[T <% JSONable](l:List[T]) = {