In Scala, I am incredibly confused by this fairly tautological error message:
java.lang.ClassCastException: FOO cannot be cast to FOO
I would expect that someone can always be cast to its own type.
I am trying to run the following wrapper around the scala compiler, located at Unfortunately, Scala is saying ResultHolder cannot be cast to ResultHolder
when I do the following:
import org.darevay.rooscaloo._
println(new Interpreter().eval("2"))
I thought println
was supposed to accept Any
. What should be going on is that Interpreter.eval returns a ResultHolder
type, such that ResultHolder.value
would be equal to 2
Additionally, trying to print .value
doesn't work with the error:
(fragment of Test.scala):3: error: value value is not a member of Any
println(new Interpreter().eval("2").value)
More details
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.Class开发者_开发技巧CastException: org.darevay.rooscaloo.ResultHolder cannot be cast to org.darevay.rooscaloo.ResultHolder
at binder0$.set(<script>:1)
at binder0.set(<script>)
... 24 more (unsure how to print them)
Though I am a Scala newbie, perhaps the internal mechanism binder
of the
package is trying to do something weird.
I'm invoking the script as scala Test.scala
My question is: What is the cause of this error message, what is the real issue, and how does one get working sample code for[interpreter]? Thanks.
I've run into similar issue, and I've converted my code to use IMain#mostRecentVar
introduced in Scala 2.9. Here's from CompilerMatcher
I wrote:
val main = new IMain(s)
main.compileSources( _*)
code map { c => main.interpret(c) match {
case IR.Error => error("Error interpreting %s" format (c))
case _ =>
val recent = main.mostRecentVar
val holder = main.valueOfTerm(recent)
if (holder != Some(expected))
println("actual: " +{"None"})