I have a C function that does some pixel manipulation on a raw 2D array of 8 bit RGB values. I get the response in 开发者_StackOverflowa c_ubyte
array. My code looks roughly like this:
from ctypes import cdll, CDLL, Structure, byref, c_utype, c_uint
# get a reference to the C shared library
myclib = CDLL(path_to_my_c_lib)
# define the ctypes version of the C image that would look something like:
# struct img {
# unsigned char data[MAX_IMAGE_SIZE];
# unsigned int width;
# unsigned int height;
# }
class Img(Structure): _fiels_ = [
('data', c_ubyte * MAX_IMAGE_SIZE),
('width', c_uint),
('height', c_uint),
# create a blank image, all pixels are black
img = Image()
img.width = WIDTH
img.height = HEIGHT
# call the C function which would look like this:
# void my_pixel_manipulation_function(struct img *)
# and would now work its magic on the data
At this point I'd like to use PIL to write the image to file. I currently use the following code to convert the byte data to image data:
from PIL import Image
s = ''.join([chr(c) for c in img.data[:(img.width*img.height*3)]])
im = Image.fromstring('RGB', (img.width, img.height), s)
# now I can...
This works but seems awfully inefficient to me. It takes 125ms for a 592x336 image on a 2.2GHz Core i7. It seems rather silly to iterate over the entire array and do this ridiculous string join when Image could probably grab directly from the array.
I tried looking for ways to cast the c_ubyte
array to a string or maybe use Image.frombuffer
instead of Image.fromstring
but couldn't make this work.
I am not a PIL user, but usually, the frombuffer methods are designed for this kind of job:
Have you tested Image.frombuffer?
Apparently sometime the solution is right under our noses:
im = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (img.width, img.height), buff, 'raw', 'RGB', 0, 1)
By the way, using the shorthand form of frombuffer
im = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (img.width, img.height), buff)
generates an upside-down picture. Go figure...