I have a button on navigationbar called Map and List
When Map is pressed I do
- (IBAction)Map:(id)sender {
self.tabBarController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem =self.List;
[BNUtilitiesQuick AnimateSwitchingWithParent:SwitchViews From:theTable To:GoogleMapController.view];
- (IBAction)List:(id)sender {
self.tabBarController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem =self.Map;
[BNUtilitiesQuick AnimateSwitchingWithParent:SwitchViews From:GoogleMapController.view To:theTable];
Now, curiously, rather than setting self.tabBarController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem =self.Map;
and make the button split in a jiffy, I think I would like to animate that switch.
How would I do so?
Also how would I animate pu开发者_开发问答shing and poping view to navigation controller? How do I animate users switching tabBar item?
If you check out the UITabBar documentation: UITabBar
- (void)setItems:(NSArray *)items animated:(BOOL)animated
Try making an array of the new tab bar items you want, and set it to the UITabBar
// Assuming "tabBar" is a UITabBar, probably part of a UITabBarController
// Assuming "newItem" is a new UITabBarItem containing the new buttons you want
// animate in.
NSArray* newItemArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:newItem,nil];
[tabBar setItems:newItemArray animated:YES];
// This should work, and you can include more than just one new item for multiple
// buttons on the tab bar.
Hope that works for you!