I have an application u开发者_高级运维sing Grails Quartz plugin. I need to have two jobs to have multiple instances running, but have separate limitation on number of threads to be used for each job. As far as I understand, I need separate Thread Pools, which is possible by having separate schedulers. However, I cannot figure out how to create multiple schedulers with Quartz plugin.
Assuming you want to use different triggers to start the job multiple times. this works for me.
class MyJob {
static triggers = {
cron name: 'trigger1', cronExpression: "0 30 12 ? * WED"
cron name: 'trigger2', cronExpression: "0 30 12 ? * SAT"
def execute() {
// execute task, do your thing here
println "Job executed"
Finally, about concurrent tasks. This is from the plug-in page:
By default Jobs are executed in concurrent fashion, so new Job execution can start even if previous execution of the same Job is still running.
Quartz plugin 2.0.13
According to the official documentation :
Multiple triggers per job are allowed.
For instance,
class MyJob {
static triggers = {
simple name:'simpleTrigger', startDelay:10000, repeatInterval: 30000, repeatCount: 10
cron name:'cronTrigger', startDelay:10000, cronExpression: '0/6 * 15 * * ?'
custom name:'customTrigger', triggerClass:MyTriggerClass, myParam:myValue, myAnotherParam:myAnotherValue