How can I get get values outside this while loop in JSP. The code is as follows:
while( {
int charge = Integer.parseInt(rsobj.getString(4));
rate1=charge+rate1; %>
<td class="label" colspan="3" align="left">Net Amount Payable</td>
<td class="database" align="left"><%=rate1%></td>
<td class="label" colspan="3" align="left">Due Amount</td>
<td class="database" align="left"><%=rsobj.getString(6)%></td>
As this is a while loop but I want only rate1 i.e. total sum of amount to display in my program. I am not getting how could i do this. The above code displays all the values in the loop.
Just print that row only when the loop is finished?
while( {
int charge = Integer.parseInt(rsobj.getString(4));
rate1=charge+rate1; %>
<td class="label" colspan="3" align="left">Due Amount</td>
<td class="database" align="left"><%=rsobj.getString(6)%></td>
<td class="label" colspan="3" align="left">Net Amount Payable</td>
<td class="database" align="left"><%=rate1%></td>
Needless to say that doing the DB access inside a JSP is a pretty terrible design approach.