
How to highlight all previously deleted text after an undelete

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-13 06:11 出处:网络
I often use a command or script to delete text and after I do an undelete (u) I want to see what has been previously deleted by the command/scri开发者_运维知识库pt.

I often use a command or script to delete text and after I do an undelete (u) I want to see what has been previously deleted by the command/scri开发者_运维知识库pt.

Is it possible to highlight the previous deleted text when use the undelete command? (or even better match the previous deleted text in a find "/" command)

If you just deleted some text using d, you can use /<CTRL-R>" to match the text you just deleted (even if you just undid the delete with u).

This won't work if the deleted text contains newlines or regex meta-characters (like \ or [). If that's likely, try:

/\V<CTRL-R>=substitute(substitute(getreg('"'), "[\\/]", '\\\0', 'g'), "\n", '\\n', "g")
  • \V - very nomagic - turns off most regex meta-characters
  • <CTRL-R>= - insert the evaluation of a vim expression
  • substitute(..., "\n", '\\n', "g") - escape all the newlines in the given string
  • substitute(..., "[\\/]", '\\\0', 'g') - escape all slashes and backslashes in the given string
  • getreg('"') - get the contents of the " register, which contains the most recently yanked and/or deleted text

This is a bit wordy, so if you find yourself needing to do it often, you can bind it to a command in your ~/.vimrc:

" use ,/ in normal mode to match the most recently deleted or yanked text
nmap ,/ /\V<C-R>=substitute(substitute(getreg('"'), "[\\/]", '\\\0', 'g'), "\n", '\\n', "g")<CR><CR><CR>

How about taking the diff from of one state of the file and compare to another?

:command! -nargs=0 DiffLastChange  exe "norm! u" | vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d _ | diffthis | wincmd p | exe "norm! \<c-r>" | diffthis

Now you can just run DiffLastChange to see a diff of the last change to the file.


  • exe "norm! u" undo the last change in the current buffer
  • vert new vertically split a new buffer
  • set bt=nofile change the buffer type to a scratch buffer
  • r # read the contents from the alternate file i.e. the buffer we started out with
  • 0d _ clean up the new buffer by removing the blank line at the top into the black hole register
  • diffthis mark the current buffer to be a part of the diff
  • wincmd p switch to the last buffer (back to the buffer we started out with)
  • exe "norm! \<c-r>" execute a redo to restore the original buffers state
  • diffthis mark the original buffer to be apart of the diff

After you are done I recommend executing :diffoff! to turn off both diffs.

Regrettably this command in its present state can not handle unsaved buffers as :read # will read in a file. The solution is to copy the contents of the buffer into a named register and then paste it into the scratch buffer. Sadly this will clobber a named register. Refactorting the code out into a function will give more flexibility and allow the use of a variable to save the contents of the register (and register type) and restore the register at the end.

function! DiffLastChange(...)
  let a = @a
  let at = getregtype('a')
  let c = a:0 == 1 ? a:1 : 1
  let ft = &ft
    exe "norm! " . c . "u"
    sil %y a
    vert new
    set bt=nofile
    exe "set ft=" . ft
    sil pu a
    0d _
    wincmd p
    exe "norm! " . c . "\<c-r>"
    call setreg('a', a, at)
command! -nargs=? DiffLastChange call DiffLastChange(<f-args>)

In addition to fixing the unsaved buffer problems and clobbering issues, I have added the ability to go further back in history via a command argument e.g. :DiffLastChange 3. The command also sets the scratch buffer's filetype to the same as the original buffers so syntax highlighting will be turned on for that buffer.

For a much more robust solution for seeing the differences between parts of history in a buffer I agree with Christian Brabandt and suggest Gundo or histwin. For more information on Gundo, see this vimcasts.

For more help see:

:h diffthis
:h diffoff
:h wincmd
:h 'bt'
:h :r
:h :d

Try the histwin or Gundo plugin. It lets you diff all undo branches and shows also shows a unified diff for the differences in the preview window.



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