Commando need's help from you.
I have a controller in Yii:
class PageController extends Controller {
public function actionSOMETHING_MAGIC($pagename) {
// Commando will to rendering,etc from here
I need some magic method under Yii CController for controlling all subrequest under /page || Page controller.
Is 开发者_运维问答this somehow possible with Yii?
Sure there is. The easiest way is to override the missingAction
Here is the default implementation:
public function missingAction($actionID)
throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','The system is unable to find the requested action "{action}".',
You could simply replace it with e.g.
public function missingAction($actionID)
echo 'You are trying to execute action: '.$actionID;
In the above, $actionID
is what you refer to as $pageName
A slightly more involved but also more powerful approach would be to override the createAction
method instead. Here's the default implementation:
* Creates the action instance based on the action name.
* The action can be either an inline action or an object.
* The latter is created by looking up the action map specified in {@link actions}.
* @param string $actionID ID of the action. If empty, the {@link defaultAction default action} will be used.
* @return CAction the action instance, null if the action does not exist.
* @see actions
public function createAction($actionID)
if(method_exists($this,'action'.$actionID) && strcasecmp($actionID,'s')) // we have actions method
return new CInlineAction($this,$actionID);
if($action!==null && !method_exists($action,'run'))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'Action class {class} must implement the "run" method.', array('{class}'=>get_class($action))));
return $action;
Here for example, you could do something as heavy-handed as
public function createAction($actionID)
return new CInlineAction($this, 'commonHandler');
public function commonHandler()
// This, and only this, will now be called for *all* pages
Or you could do something way more elaborate, according to your requirements.
You mean CController or Controller (last one is your extended class) ? If you extended CController class like this:
class Controller extends CController {
public function beforeAction($pagename) {
you could get what you need