
Easel javascript structure explanation

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-13 02:20 出处:网络
I have found an API that\'ll make working with CANVAS a lot easier. It allows selection and modification of individual elements on the canvas very easily. It\'s EaselJS. The API doc is here. http://ea

I have found an API that'll make working with CANVAS a lot easier. It allows selection and modification of individual elements on the canvas very easily. It's EaselJS. The API doc is here. http://easeljs.com/docs/

I am Ok with the API so far. What confuses me is actually some javascript in there. The part that's in bold or within * *(couldn't get the formatting to work) What kind of javascript structure is this?

(function(target){...content...})(bitmap) and in the content, it references bitmap, which is something outside.


   for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++){
    bitmap = new Bitmap(image);
    bitmap.x = canvas.width * Math.random()|0;
    bitmap.y = canvas.height * Math.random()|0;
    bitmap.rotation = 360 * Math.random()|0;
    bitmap.regX = bitmap.image.width/2|0;
    bitmap.regY = bitmap.image.height/2|0;
    bitmap.scaleX = bitmap.scaleY = bitmap.scale = Math.random()*0.4+0.6;
    bitmap.mouseEnabled = true;
    bitmap.name = "bmp_"+i;

(function(target) {

*bitmap.onPress = function(evt) *

        {if (window.console && console.log) { console.log("press!"); }
        target.scaleX = target.scaleY = target.scale*1.2;
        // update the stage while we drag this target
        //Ticker provides a central heartbeat for stage to listen to
        //At each beat, stage.tick is called and the display list re-rendered
        var offset = {x:target.x-evt.stageX, y:target.y-evt.stageY};

        evt.onMouseMove = function(ev) {
            target.x = ev.stageX+offset.x;
            target.y = ev.stageY+offset.y;
            if (window.console && console.log) { console.log("move!"); }
        evt.onMouseUp = function() {
            target.scaleX = target.scaleY = target.scale;
            // update the stage one last time to render the scale change, then stop updating:
            if (window.console && console.log) { console.log("up!"); }

** }})(bitmap); **

    bitmap.onClick = function() { if (window.console && console.log) { console.log("click!"); } }


is creating a lexical scope for content so that any var or function declarations in content do not leak into the global scope. Inside content, target is just another name for bitmap.

You can think of this as similar to

function init(target) { ...content... }

and then an immediate call to it passing bitmap as the actual value of the target parameter but the first version interferes with the global scope even less -- it doesn't define init as a name in the global scope.

EDIT: I think the purpose is not lexical scoping, but to make sure that the event handlers point to the right bitmap, instead of the last bitmap the for loop deals with. init(bitmap);

See Event handlers inside a Javascript loop - need a closure? for more detail.



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