In PE (for windows) it is possible to read the headers/sections of that structure by #include<windows.h>
and can use the struct PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER开发者_StackOverflow
to read the dos header in any PE file, for example.
How can i do that for ELF header in FreeBSD/Linux? What kind of preprocessor need to be added at the head of the C/C++ code? and Is there any difference between FreeBSD and Linux in term of the structure of ELF?
You're looking for libelf.
Look at the sources of readelf. Or just google. For example, this looks promising.
If you just want existing code, try
Here are some pointers which should help you out:
Oracle article LibElf and GElf - A Library to Manipulate ELf Files
Libelf homepage
I can't vouch for FreeBSD, but on Linux there are a lot of details in the elf(5)
elf - format of Executable and Linking Format (ELF) files
#include <elf.h>
The header file <elf.h> defines the format of ELF executable
binary files. Amongst these files are normal executable
files, relocatable object files, core files and shared
When I needed to understand ELF, I found nothing more useful than the MuppetLabs Tiny Executable walk-through. I'm sure many of the techniques are out-of-date (and were never a good idea), but they explained things very well.