I am using WebFlow and would like to add the current Locale into the flow. I already have a resolveLocale method that does this with this signature:
public Locale resolveLocale (HttpServletRequest request);
I would like to add something like this in my WebFlow XML:
<evaluate expression="localeService.resolveLocale(???)" result="flowScope.locale"/>
Now, I don't know what to put in the ??? parameter part.
Any ideas? Thanks for reading.I haven't used Web Flow, but presuming it's similar to the rest of Spring, you can use the RequestContextHolder for this. A quick Google search suggests that Web Flow even gives you a web flow specific RequestContextHolder - even better
An easier way to access the locale is spring's LocaleContextHolder
Just call: LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()
you can get HttpServletRequest in this style
Thanks for your hints. I'm using the following line in my service (my SWF-config uses the SessionLocaleResolver):
Locale locale = (Locale) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes().getAttribute(SessionLocaleResolver.LOCALE_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION);