I have an app which connects to an iphone app, which in turn authenticates it's users via http_digest.
I'm using authlogic, and in my schema users of the website are "users" and users of the phone app are "people". So, i have user_sessions and people_sessions. To handle the http_digest auth, i'm using the authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest method like this:
def digest_authenticate_person
authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest do |email, password|
#ldb is just a logging method i have
ldb "email = #{email.inspect}, password = #{password.inspect}"
person = Person.find_by_email(email)
if person
ldb "Authentication successful: Got person with id #{person.id}"
@current_person_session = PersonSession.create(person)
ldb "Authentication failed"
@current_person_session = nil
return @current_person_session
I can see in the logs that password is nil: only email is passed through to the inside of the authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest block.
Im testing this with a curl call like so:
curl --digest --user fakename@madeup.xyz:apass "http://localhost:3000/reports.xml"
I'd expect "fakename@madeup.xyz" and "apass" to get passed through to the inside of the block. Once i have the password then i can use a combination of email and password to find (or not) a user, in the normal way. Does anyone know how i can get acc开发者_如何学Pythoness to the password as well?
grateful for any advice - max
EDIT - on further googling, i think i'm using this method wrong: i'm supposed to just return the password, or the crypted password. But then how do i compare that against the password passed as part of the http_digest username?
Found the answer: i had a fundamental misunderstanding of how authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest works: after reading the documentation (in the source code of the gem) i realised that the purpose of this method is not to do the authentication, its purpose is to provide the "email:realm:password" string to the browser, let the browser encrypt it, and check the result against it's own calculated (or cached) version of this.
Here's how i set it up:
def current_person
if @current_person
#use in before_filter for methods that require an authenticated person (mobile app user)
def require_person
unless current_person
redirect_to root_path
def load_current_person
#check user agent to see if we're getting the request from the mobile app
if request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /MobileAppName/
result = digest_authenticate_person
if result == 401
return 401
elsif result == true
#make authlogic session for person
@current_person_session = PersonSession.new(@person_from_digest_auth)
@current_person = @person_from_digest_auth
#this method returns either true or 401
def digest_authenticate_person
authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest(Person::DIGEST_REALM) do |email|
person = Person.find_by_email(email)
@result = nil
if person
#need to send back ha1_password for digest_auth, but also hang on to the person in case we *do* auth them successfully
@person_from_digest_auth = person
@result = person.ha1_password
@person_from_digest_auth = nil
@result = false