I'm in the process of learning about servlet containers and web apps based on Java EE, servlets, JSPs, EL/JSTL, JDBC (via Connector J from MySQL AB), MySQL server, etc.
I usually like to know in detail about the versions of the tools I'm using (and also thinking ahead of when I might list these on a resume).
From the command line (I'm running Cygwin on Windows XP) I can easily find the versions of java, ant, and mysql. Other components, however, come with these or are downloaded and installed as .jar file开发者_JAVA百科s, so I'm not quite as clear about how to verify the versions I have installed.
How would I find the specific versions of the following:
1. Connector J (JDBC)
2. Java Servlet API
3. JavaServer Pages API
After looking online, I was able to find the versions for JSP and Servlet, though I'm still going off the documentation and not necessarily what's installed:
"Tomcat 7.0 implements Java Servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2"