开发者_如何学Go category_store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
data:Ext.util.JSON.decode('[{"category_name":"SubTemplate 1","category_id":"6"},{"category_name":"Templates","category_id":"5"},{"category_name":"Uncategorized","category_id":"1"}]')
Gives an error in debug console - Ext.data.JsonStore is not a constructor and if the defug file is not include it tells d is undefined .
So can someone tell me what is the problem.
If you use ExtJS 4 then init your classas via Ext.create what will attempt to load the class, if it has not been defined yet or use Ext.require to load classes. Go to http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#/api/Ext and read about "create" and "require" method
This works fine for me. Please make sure you are wrapping your code in an Ext.onReady
Ext.onReady(function() {
category_store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
fields: ['category_name','category_id'],
data: Ext.util.JSON.decode('[{"category_name":"SubTemplate 1","category_id":"6"},{"category_name":"Templates","category_id":"5"},{"category_name":"Uncategorized","category_id":"1"}]')
In the future, it is best to post your Ext JS questions over on the Sencha Forums, as you will get a much faster response.