I'm looking over some code and I came across some syntax that I don't know the meaning of. What does the '->' mean?
-(void) getTransformValues:(struct transformValues_*) tv
tv->pos = positionInPixels_;
tv->scale.x = scaleX_;
tv->scale.y = scaleY_;
tv->rotation = rotation_;
tv->skew.x = skewX_;
tv->skew.y = skewY_;
tv->ap = anchorPointInPixels_;
t开发者_如何学编程v->visible = visible_;
The arrow operator ('->') is used in the same place you would use the dot operator ('.'), but with a pointer to a structure instead of an object of that structure.
typedef struct _Person {
char name[200];
unsigned int age;
} Person;
If you created an object of that structure, you would use the dot operator in order to access its members:
int main()
Person p1;
strcpy( p1.name, "Baltasar" );
p1.age = 36;
However, if you a pointer to a structure, instead of the structure itself, you could only use the arrow operator, or a little bit more complex dot operator:
int main()
Person p1;
Person *ptrPerson = &p1; // ptrPerson points to p1
strcpy( ptrPerson->name, "Baltasar" );
ptrPerson->age = 36;
As I said above, you could still use the dot operator:
int main()
Person p1;
Person *ptrPerson = &p1; // ptrPerson points to p1
strcpy( (*ptrPerson).name, "Baltasar" );
(*ptrPerson).age = 36;
Of course, all of this discussion involves a lot more topics, such as pointers, the heap, etc. Hope this helps.
The ->
symbol is used to access a member of a pointer type. It is the same as dereferencing the pointer and using the dot operator, i.e.,
(*tv).pos = positionInPixels_;
It's used to access a member of an object / struct pointed to by a variable.
For example tv->pos
is used to access the member variable pos
from the object pointed to by tv
is used to mean the same thing as the dot (which means to access a member of a structure, class, or union), except that ->
is used when the variable is a pointer.
"->" is used in order to access a struct pointer element. In C at least...
typedef struct test {
int one;
int two;
} t_test;
t_test *foo;
/* Allocation and all the stuff */
foo->one = ...
foo->two = ...
The arrow operator (->) takes a struct pointer (to a transformValues_ in this case), dereferences it, then accesses that member variable. IE: these are equivelant:
(* tv).pos === tv->pos
Hmmmm did you at least consider trying to find it out for yourself before posting here? This is what I got from searching operators....