So, I'm having troubles implementing a separate thread. This is because I have a simple class, and in it I start a new thread. So, as it is not any form, I haven't found any way to make it call the func开发者_开发问答tion in the UI Thread.
So, I cannot use the Invoke
method. Is there any way to call a function from another thread?
I am going to assume that you have events exposed from your class and that you want the event handlers to execute on a UI thread. I suppose you could have a callback that the caller specifies as well. Either way the pattern I will describe below will work in both cases
One way to make this happen is to have your class accept an ISynchronizeInvoke
instance. Form
and Control
instances implement this interface so a reference to one of them could be used. You could make it a convention that if the an instance is not specified then event handlers executed by raising events on your class would execute in the worker thread instead of the thread hosting the ISynchronizeInvoke
instance (usually a form or control).
Public Class YourClass
Private m_SynchronizingObject As ISynchronizeInvoke = Nothing
Public Sub New(ByVal synchronizingObject As ISynchronizeInvoke)
m_SynchronizingObject = synchronizingObject
End Sub
Public Property SynchronizingObject As ISynchronizeInvoke
Return m_SynchronizingObject
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ISynchronizeInvoke)
m_SynchronizingObject = value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub SomeMethodExecutingOnWorkerThread()
Private Sub RaiseSomeEvent()
If Not SychronizingObject Is Nothing AndAlso SynchronizingObject.InvokeRequired Then
SynchronizingObject.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf RaiseSomeEvent)
End If
RaiseEvent SomeEvent
End Sub
End Class
The first thing to notice is that you do not have to specify a synchronizing object. That means you do not have to have a Form
or Control
reference. If one is not specified then SomeEvent
will be raised on the worker thread. This is the same pattern that is used in the System.Timers.Timer
Try to expose some events in your class, fire them when you need to notify your UI and finally make your UI Component register to these events, when the event is fired, the listener methods will be executed. there you can use Control.Invoke or Control.BeginInvoke to execute your code on the UI thread.