I have jquery grabbing an id from something else (image) and I would like to append that id into an input hidden field
var imageID = $('#slides li开发者_StackOverflow').find('img').attr("id");
This gives me the id, and I know that if I do something like this :
It will append to <div id="pic-title">(this is where the imageID value will be)</div>
But what if I want to put into an attribute within a tag?
<div id="(imageID value will be placed here instead)"></div>
I hope this is clear enough. Thank you!
$("#pic-title").attr('id', imageID);
This is what you are looking for.
EDIT You should be weary of doing this though. You are creating a duplicate id on two or more HTML elements. This is invalid since ids must be unique. I suspect that most modern browsers would be still able to display the elements just fine but your JavaScript could break or produce unexpected results after duplicating the id.
I would change it up by appending some predefined value to the id:
$("#pic-title").attr('id', imageID + '_title');
or use the class attribute instead:
You can set an attribute by writing $(something).attr('name', value)
Just use $("#old_id").attr('id', 'new_id');