Possible Duplicates:
How to also prepare for 64-bits when migrating to Delphi 2010 and Unicode How should I prepare my 32-bit Delphi programs for an eventual 64-bit compiler?
I would like to know the approach for migrating from 32 bit [Delphi 7] to 64 bit. What all things i should remember and what all steps i should follow?
What all complexity i mi开发者_JAVA技巧ght face?
please provide me step by step migration process. What things i should address first?
There are 2 possibilities 1. Using yet to launch Delphi 64 bit version 2. Updating existing code and functionality to use 64 bit OS features
There is no 64-Bit Delphi-Compiler at this time. So you can not do it now, you have to wait until the next Delphi-Version. For the next Delphi a 64-Bit compiler is announced. You can not "use" 64-Bit-OS-Features (What are they? What do you mean exactly?) with 32-Bit compiler. A 32-Bit-application will allways run in the WOW3264-Emulator (on a 64-Bit Windows, of course).
What all complexity i might face?
As stated by Andreas, there's no yet 64-bit Delphi compiler ATM. You can use FPC for now, and regarding the complexities, Lazarus/FPC wiki has addressed them.